"The Twinkle Glade" glass cloche
Christmas Eve clasped his present and trotted through the snow to meet her favourite of Pebble mice. It was always the same, that tingling between here toes. Eve sometimes tried to make herself believe that it was the snow but she knew it was really the excitement of meeting her swain
She squeezed under the holly bush and then stopped and squeaked in wonder. The whole glade was asparkle with tiny, twinkling bells. The smell of hot Christmas pudding with crab apple brandy sauce filled the air. There in the middle of the delightful scene stood the most hansom Santa's Tiny Helper, cap in hand and snow on his whiskers.
Their cold little corner had been transformed and everything else would just fade away.....they would share pudding and daisy champagne, how wonderful.
This piece has a little remote control for the lights which have various twinkling settings.