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Teasel the Hedgehoglet

Teasel the Hedgehoglet

Teasel, is a little bundle of fun and baby spikes, a snuffley nose and adorabley nibbleable feet. He intends to grow into both. Said nose never stops twitching and those feet uncurl from the soft warm fur and can trot off at a very jolly pace.
For now, he will rest on his spikes, sniff the air and wonder what there is to eat. Its hungry work being a hedgehoglet

The best bit of being a wee hoglet… the very best bit, is that just woken up, sleepy stretch. Stretching those little legs and then the toes… there is no better way to start the day.
When stretching, they have to beware of feathers, those feet are extremely ticklish!
Have you ever heard a Hedgehog giggle?

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