Mermouse in her fancy shell
A Mermouse is a very rare little creature indeed, but here she sits in a shell surrounded by her treasures.
This is a mixed media piece.
The mermouse was sculpted January 2019.
All shells and sea treasures are beach combed by the artist and ethically sourced.MERMOUSE (Maremus)A sea rodent closely related to the field mouse and the mermaid. Indigenous to the coast of Great Britain but very rare and highly elusive.Renowned for collecting precious items, ranging from colourful shell, fossils, sharks teeth, fools gold (iron Pyrite) and other items of interest. All mermice possess at least one pearl depending upon age and status.The Mermouse is very happy to exist in captivity if surrounded by its sea treasures but has been known to sneek out at night and add to it's collection.....